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When it comes to traditional American food, it is always linked to "heavy oil, heavy mouth", as simple and rough as an American muscle sports car. And Blue Frog, a gourmet restaurant that has been growing in China for 15 years, consistently maintains a pure American taste and presents delicious food with high-quality and healthy ingredients. In 2018, Blue Frog's largest new menu upgrade. In addition to the changes in dishes, Blue Frog is also redefining American restaurants: 15 years of precipitation, taking American essence, and adding new ones to make it truly worthy of "new American" title. Blue Frog's new concept American burger, grilled and steak, will give you a series of taste crit and subvert your impression of American restaurant!
Open Time
10:00 am — 22:00 pm
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G / M033
L1 / K122
L1 / K131
G / A009